Securing Your Live Streaming: 10 Best Ways

Live streaming is now taking the internet space by huge volumes, be it social media platforms or individual live streaming platforms post covid people have shown more interest in participating and hosting live streams.

According to a report two-third of internet traffic is generated from live streaming and platforms like Twitch, Youtube has more live streaming channels when compared to the other social platforms.

Instead of connecting individually with followers, content creators are opting to livestreams as they can be privatized by changing a few security settings in the streaming platform. 

But the question here is how safe are these platforms? Do these platforms can be trusted with sensitive information, read more to find answers. 

How to Secure Your Live Stream

Live streaming is all about reaching larger audiences and building a brand, but the security is a huge concern for businesses and creators, to ease these there are two methods of live streaming 

  • Public streaming 
  • Private streaming

Public streaming is where you connect with a large number of followers and anybody on the platforms can access your live streaming content 

Private streaming allows only a selected set of viewers to watch the live streaming.

Apart from these there are various other streaming ways where content can be made secure, and to build a strong wall against security breaches and threats.

⚡️ Read Also: WebRTC vs. RTMP: Choosing the Right Streaming Protocol 🌟

How to Protect Your Live Streams 

Exposing valuable content online paves way to malicious threats naturally but to avoid them at a mile distance, you need to be knowing the below security measures,

How to Protect Your Live Streams 


The basic security measures password protection, managing your valuable content with a passcode key so that it stays protected within the community and in control.

Streaming platforms offer password protection features to make users feel security at the entry point, with a sense of authority over the content users can modify the password whenever they wish.

Secure Video Data Centers and CDN

Data centers are where your content is processed and passed over to the viewers ,CDN servers help in content delivery seamlessly over the internet.

These need different sets of security measures like password protection, SSL encryption to protect your data. 

Some of the CDN enabled streaming platforms are well-equipped with protections to avoid data theft, if you are wanting a secure space then choose platforms with CDN encrypted data centers.

Use SSL / TLS Encrypted Paywall

The center point of any business is to generate revenue, if there is a loophole around the paywall it is a havoc SSL(Secure sockets layer) and TLS(Transport layer security) encrypted paywall is a must if you rely on live streaming revenue, these prohibit data tampering when transactions take place.

Advanced Encryption Standard

AES Encryption protocols like AES-128 or AES-256 provides a solid wall of protection to stop the hackers from intruding into your content vault. An unique authentication key is provided to keep your data safe and secure making it a nightmare for hackers.


When you are going for a global market, your content needs geo-blocking, which is giving and restricting access to certain geo-graphic locations.

You can easily target audiences based on location and monitor your growth in these locations and restrict unauthorized access. Private meetings, product launches in live streaming can be easily secured using geo-blocking.

Secure Hosting

Seamless and secure hosting experience is made possible only with live streaming platforms as it brings more security features like SSL encryption, password protection and CDN serves into the picture.

HTTPS Delivery

Trust building is made with few aspects in the streaming business, one amongst them is HTTPS delivery  with SSL certificate. This gives a sense of security for viewers to feel safe from third-party threats and malicious attacks.

HTTP is built over TCP hence it ensures a complete data delivery in the most safest manner.

IP-based Restrictions

Organizations can face multiple threats and attacks from online intruders, within the organization the best way to protect and safeguard the data is to IP based access restrictions since it allows only selected viewers to access the live streaming content.

Avoid DDoS Attacks

The most disturbing thing that can happen in a live streaming event is event getting attacked and going down, this is caused by the DDoS attacks,  Distributed Denial of Service attacks are overloading your server with excessive requests, making your live streaming broadcast unusable.

Invest in a CDN enabled live streaming platform to escape DDoS attacks, this ensures a safe and unwavering streaming capabilities.

Screen Sharing

Screen sharing and screen recording is one of the most common threats most streaming networks are facing nowadays, but thanks to DRM, you can safeguard your content from screen recording using DRM(digital rights management).

Some of the prominent platforms like OnTheFly provide high end security features to stop viewers to screen recording by giving blurry or blacked out visuals while recording.

Ensure Impenetrable Security While Live Streaming With OnTheFly

OnTheFly is vouched for security and safer streaming as it enables most of the top-notch security features to aid users in a safer environment to live stream videos.

Some of the key features are 

  • Password protection
  • SSL encryption
  • DRM protection
  • Geo blocking 

Try it out for yourself by navigating through the OnTheFly website, and access most of its features for a high quality live streaming experience.


Security is an inevitable part of live streaming, taking a leverage on it will affect in the long-term, find platforms with most secure measures and some of our top recommendations would be OnTheFly, Restream and streamyard. In the long run safeguarding your content from malicious threats and copyrights will make you repurpose and safeguard your hard work, so prioritize securing your content and stream fearlessly.  

How do I secure live streaming?

Live streaming Platforms run on a security system to prevent data theft and unauthorized entries to user data using SSO login, encrypted paywall, DRM and other strong data protection protocols.

How do I password protect a live stream?

Password protected login and data access center are enabled as you enter the security settings of a live streaming platform. You can activate them by following the settings rules and regulation.

How do I encrypt a live stream?

With the help of a third party Digital rights management (DRM) provider, live streams can be encrypted.

What is the most secure video sharing platform?

According to various feedbacs from different ranges of live streamers , OnTheFly ranks at the top as the most secure video sharing platform with password protected login and data protection centers.

Can you password protect a livestream?

Yes you password protect a livestream and give access to only a selective audience to take part in the stream. It is also known as private live streaming.

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